
IntelliWay Services further expanded its business model and workforce in 2022

IntelliWay Services continued to expand its business over the past year. At the end of 2022, IntelliWay had participated in 840 residential and commercial properties (end-Dec 2021: 715). These comprise a total of 25.466 rental units (end-Dec 2021: 15,948). Commercial and residential real estate account for around 40% each, and mixed-use properties – 20%. In total, IntelliWay took over the accounting for 245 properties using various accounting systems and supported the property management for eight shopping centres.
As the volume of orders grew, the number of employees at IntelliWay continued to rise. There are currently more than 80 highly qualified, German-speaking accountants, architects, engineers, auditors, lawyers and economists working for 15 large property management companies – thus further reaching over 30 investment companies.

Range of services expanded – new building certification, sustainability reporting and technical support teams

In order to support the portfolio holders, asset managers, portfolio managers, auditors or consultants in the sustainability certification of existing properties and to save time, in 2022 IntelliWay has put together a team of architects to help prepare the documents pursuant to the DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.), the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). In addition, the range of services was expanded to include services in sustainability reporting under the GRESB and EDGE.

Sergey Koynov, a Managing Director of IntelliWay, comments: “The new services have been well received. Last year, for example, we compiled the documents for six properties for certification under the BREEAM criteria, and we analysed and checked all primary documents for 29 other properties prior to creating the EPRA sustainability reports.”

In addition, IntelliWay set up a technical helpdesk to address the shortage of skilled workers in companies. It provides customers with urgent technical support and has employed technicians and engineers.

IntelliWay has also undergone the review of the existing ISO certificates 9001 in quality management, ISO 14001 in environmental management and ISO/IEC 27001 in data protection and information security and received confirmation for all of them.

Customer Claim Management is a service in demand

In addition, the company has successfully responded to the increased number of disputes in service charge recolnciliations, resulting primarily from increase in inflation, energy and maintenance costs. “Whereas previously up to three percent of tenants submitted claims, it was more than 10% in 2022, leding to considerable staff shortages for the property management companies. We were able to absorb this lack with our qualified employees. In 2022, for example, we issued some 25.000 service charge recolnciliations – 60% more than the previous year,” Alexander Atanassov, member of the IntelliWay Board of Directors, reports.
